Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't tread on me

My new mission in life (not really) is to expose as many shit birds as possible. In 32 years of life on this earth I've had as much as I can take of assholes. Some people can go thruogh life perfectly content to look the other way and not worry about how some bone job is laying in wait...ready to stick a knife in their back. Curerntly I don't have enough money to do and say what I'd like....but soon I will. But i'm fed up with fake, smack jobs just looking to self promote.

Like today for example. I got 6 phone calls and 6 more e-mails from Mr. Rat. I call him Mr. Rat becuase he looks like a rat and he's a little two-faced bastard.

This douche bag continues to lie. Honestly, we work in a public school. 99% of the time we need to discuss either discipline issues or scheduling issues. I can't think of one reason a well educated professional would consistantly lie about relativley unimportant items. But Mr. Rat does...a lot.

Today for example he sent out an email and CC'd all of the other administrators claiming that I neglected to complete a task. A task I assigned to myself. And a task I had completed. I also sent him an email when I had completed this task to report my findings.

So I call this shit bird to ask him what his deal is. He tells me he wasn't aware and never recieved my email. He suggested I have the tech people look at it to see if there is a virus.

So, just to be an asshole I went into my sent email and forwarded it back to him and CC'd everyone he did. Awhile later he calls me back wanting to know if there was a reason I had sent that email and carbon copied others into it. I told him I was just trying to keep everyone in the loop. He said some people would read that and it would appear to them as if we don't communicate. I offered to send out another email to clarify my intensions. He begged me not to and suggested in the future I talk to him before sending out group emails. How re-fuckin-tarded is this bone job. And this asshole runs a school. Holy Shit. And the best part is I get to go back tomorrow and do it all again.......

FU Mr. Rat


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