Friday, September 11, 2009

Vin Deisel

Vin Deisel is another turd I had to work with...not the real Vin Deisel. Vin was a short, squat, attention seeking, bald man. He worked as a substitute teacher in several school districts. Unfortunately for Vin he was such a turd that he would only ever work as a sub. He'd often comment on the politics involved in getting hired as a full time special education teacher. While there is some politics involved in getting a job I have to tell you that there aren't people beating down doors to get jobs as special ed teachers...

Honestly, who in their right mind is going to knowlingly amass student loan debt to secure a position with no upward mobility? A position that ensures professional isloationism. Or a profession that locks you into a lower middle class wage for life? Not to mention the shit you'll have to eat from administrators, colleagues, parents, kids, advocates, lawyers.......and anyone else who has an opinion on special education and the crap that comes with it.

I did...but this isn't to make fun of me it's to make fun of the shitbirds I had to work with.

Anyway, Vin Deisel...I didn't even come up with the nickname. HE DID! This man was in his late twenties but looked like he was in his early fifties. He was very loud and had lots of opinions, whiched changed frequently. He was a psuedo-intellect to the full extent. He desperatley wanted people to think he was well educated, learned man. He was just a he fit right in with the other shit birds.

Vin Deisel? So as it happened Vin and I took the same grad class. And every teacher in the country knows that grad classes for teachers are: 1. A joke and 2. full of women.
The class consisted of 23 professional female educators, Vin Deisel, and me. I had the unfortunate experience of attending the same conference as Vin maybe 6 months earlier where he referred to himself as Vin Deisel...which completely ridiculous.

Each week Vin would get the professor off on tangents. EVERY WEEK! I paid for the FN class to listen to that short fat wind bag monopolize the frickin class. Anyway, everyone had to do an oral presentation. I can't remember shit from the class, but I remember Vin's presentation.

His topic was ADHD. He presentation to the class was about himself! I was embarrassed for the guy because his presentation was that stupid. He began by introducing his topic to the class. ADHD...big FN deal. He then proceded to spin yarns about all of his substitute teaching gigs where he found himself in a classroom that had kids with ADHD.

This shit bird plainly stated..."I walk into a room and BANG! I instantly command respect. Why? Kids see the gotee, the shaved head (for the record his hair fell out first), the hip collard shirts, Doc Martin's on my feet, the swager as I walk into the room...and they're thinking one thing! VIN DEISEL! He referred to himself over and over and over again as Vin FN Deisel. And he was serious!

He looked like George Costanza with a dirt-stash...a bigger belly, bigger boobs, back hair that protruded from the back of his shirt, and a large fat roll at the base of his skull.+

He mentioned nothing about teaching strategies that work for kids with ADHD or any researched based methods he spoke for 30 minutes about his resemblence to Vin Deisel and the impact it had on classes he subed in.......the worst part was I was hanging on his every word. I can't remember shit from that class, but I remember Vin Deisel and his ADHD presentation

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